Nowadays, she has very definite opinions on what looks good and what she should wear to school. Opinions like yours and mine? They mean nothing! This child is stylin' and she knows it. Often the question, after she puts together one of these fine ensembles is, "Does this look beautiful?"
The answer is, of course, yes, though sometimes I opt for, "That's pretty amazing!"
I can only wonder what others think of these avant garde creations at her school or when I'm out in public. My suspicion is that women shake their heads and say to themselves, "Oh, that poor child. Look at how her daddy dressed her." As though I didn't have more sense.
Sometimes, when I drop her off at school, I'm tempted to mention to the teacher as I leave, "TLC picked out that outfit herself. She's very proud of it." Then I figure, what the heck, why bother?
Without further ado, I present, the stripiest kid in town:
...and, yes, I let her go to school like this.
1 comment:
Unlike your observations, Todd would totally say that matches because they are all stripes and all going the same direction makes it even more of a match. Badah- bapah- bah, I'm lovin it!
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